I always love to start the morning off
with a nice, long shower.
Now, I am not talking about a shower with soap, hot water, and
shampoo even though I love those too.
The shower that I am talking about is the kind that
takes place on the inside.
The shower that I am talking about is the kind that
takes place in the heart, mind, and soul.
It is a shower that is best taken daily, all day long, and everyday of our
It is a shower of love,
joy, and goodness that all of us can enjoy.
I always start my own shower off with a huge
thank you to God.
I thank God for the day, for my life, for my family, for my friends, for
my pets, and for the countless blessings I am given.
I give thanks for health and happiness, nature and beauty, and love and
Giving thanks to God always leaves me feeling good, clean, and happy
I don't stop there, though. I keep my shower of delight going by seeing
the good all around me. I see it in the world, in the people I know, and
in my own heart, mind, and soul.
I see it and choose it and welcome it into me.
I take in all the goodness, love, joy, peace, happiness, and light that I
possibly can. I fill myself to overflowing with all the wonderful
blessings of life, because this is what I want to share with the world.
You see, my shower of love, joy, goodness, and delight wouldn't be
complete if I didn't shower it on others as well. I shower these blessings
on others with every smile I smile, hug I give, helpful thing I do, kind
word I
say, and happy thought I write.
Nothing gives me greater fulfillment than to
shower these things on everyone everywhere.
Here's To You !
You too can shower your life and the lives of others
with love, joy, goodness, and God.
It is up to you.
Just remember, though,
a shower a day
keeps the misery away. |